Admissions open for L.K.G. to Std. IX & Xl in all the schools of our group.
Age Eligibility for Admission
- A child can seek admission to LKG or UKG provided that the child has completed 3 years of age and 4 years of age respectively on 31st July of the academic year for which the admission is sought.
- Generally, a child seeking admission to LKG & UKG is to appear for an oral interview with his / her parents or legal guardian.
Prescribed Application form should be submitted along with the following documents.
Eligibility for admission A child must pass oral interview for admission. The child must have attained the corresponding age to the standard to which the admission is sought. The parent/guardian must have submitted the following documents before he / she appears for an interview. The admission will be confirmed only when the parent/guardian has submitted the Original Transfer Certificate from the school last studied in case, the child has studied his/her previous Std. under CBSE / ICSE / other state board/in any foreign country, the original T.C. should be countersigned by a competent authority. Eligibility for Admission An admission to any std from VI to IX is based on the performance of a student in the oral interview. The Parent/ Guardian must submit the following documents. The admission will be confirmed only when the parent/guardian has submitted the original transfer certificate from the school last studied. In case, the child has studied his / her previous std. under CBSE / ICSE / Other State Board / in any foreign country, the original T.C. should be countersigned by a competent authority. Std X: No Student is admitted to Std. X. Groups offered at Higher Secondary Level in the School: Eligibility for Admission A student who has passed Std X of the Matriculation Examination or any other examination recognised as equivalent thereto is eligible for admission to XI std. However, the right to admission is based on the prerogative decision of the Management. Initially, before admission, the qualifying students must submit the following documents for consideration : Std. XII: No Student is admitted to Std. XII. The school prepares students for State Board syllabus and trains them to appear for the same. The School is divided as below:
S.No Part Language
a). Part I Tamil/ Hindi / French* (* French is offered at Anna Nagar & Villivakkam Branches)
b). Part II English
c). Part III (Optional)
(i) Group l:
a. (1502) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science
b. (1503) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
(ii) Group II:
a. (1702) Commerce, Accountancy, Economics and Computer Science
b. (1708) Commerce, Accountancy, Economics and Business Mathematics
The medium of instruction is English and the students are expected to learn three languages from Std.I – VIII, viz., I Language Tamil, II Language English and Hindi as III Language.